Hi all,


I have been constantly watching and understanding the GNUradio
group activity from last 4 months now. As a student (and a newbie for GNUradio),
I feel now I am in position to start some practical work on it. 


I am thinking of doing something with USRP and GNUradio especially
in 802.11 domain or something in Bluetooth. If you people can please help me in
buying the hardware first. 


According to my list, I need


1)      USRP
package (revision – 4. Is this latest one, Is any revision anticipated soon? If
yes, when?)

2)      RFX2400
transreceiver daughterboard. How many do I need, 1 or 2? USRP should support
two for 4 slots I believe

3)      An
antenna, no idea at all, which one should I buy, help me out here please

4)      Any
thing else???


I shall wait for your helpful replies,

Thanks in advance,






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