On December 22 at Carnegie Hall, the New Jersey Composer's Guild will present "Answer to Job, An Alternative Holiday Concert". Frank Brickle (AB2KT) is the secretary of the Composer's Guild of New Jersey.

He has composed an opera which will be performed during this concert:


Frank's opera is a Townley Mystery Play. Mystery plays or miracle plays are medieval religious dramas based on stories from the Bible. Mystery plays were performed around the time of church festivals, reaching their height in Europe during the 15th and 16th Centuries. A whole cycle running from the Creation to the Last Judgment was performed in separate scenes on mobile wagons by various town guilds. Four English cycles survive: Coventry, Wakefield (or Townley), Chester and York. They were intended for the common person. In many cases, it was the only way people could hear the stories of the Bible in their common tongue, rather than in Latin. Frank's composition, "The Creation of the World" will be performed during this concert.

The tickets are not yet on sale, but you may visit the Carnegie site and soon enough the "Buy Tickets" button will open.


Frank is a member of the American Radio Relay League SDR Working Group, a GnuRadio enthusiast, contributor to the ARRL/HSMM/SDRWG OFDM modem project, AMSAT member and a member of the Eagle/Phase 3 Express Software Defined Transponder and CC Rider Team for Eagle, coauthor of the DttSP Software Defined Radio package (the SDR core for the Flex Radio SDR-1000), and recently retired from IDA's Center for Communications Research in Princeton, NJ. He did not stop working on technical problems to return exclusively to music as he is a regular consultant to Isigtech, Inc., has recently consulted for CNS Systems, Inc., and has consulted for many large firms including Agilent. The work he did for IDA CCR earned him a very prestigious award from the U.S. government (the Anne Z. Caracristi award) in 2000. He has consulted with many other firms in matters related to signal processing problems which need statistical detection or classification algorithms. Frank has demonstrated a flair and genius for this type of signal processing problem. Frank is the author of an interesting article in QEX Nov/Dec. 2003, "Automatic Signal Classification for Software Defined Radios". This was the first article published in the growing area of cognitively defined radio with a view to amateur radio applications but not limited to amateur radio. A Princeton University alumnus, he studied under one of the most influential American composer's: Milton Babbitt. Under Babbitt's tutelage, he earned his Ph. D in musical composition. Frank was recently an organizer of a festival of music celebrating the life and work of the composer George Antheil:


As an interesting aside, Antheil and actress Hedy Lamarr are credited with creating frequency hopping spread spectrum for use in torpedo guidance systems during world war II and were granted a patent. One could easily understand why Frank would find a kindred spirit in Antheil.

To listen to some of Frank's compositions, one need only use Google. I suggest you search for "Brickle Merlin". You will find an mp3 of one of his compositions that will stream.

The best word I can think of to describe Frank without listing more achievements or writing an unauthorized biography is polymath.


It seems appropriate as you can see from this list of recent achievements,interests, and his educational achievements. The word is inadequate, but is a useful beginning place to explore this talented and complex man. It is the best my limited command of language will allow me here.

Please join me in celebrating my best friend's achievement and I hope you will enjoy the NJ Composer's Guild offering in Carnegie Hall in December. Bravo Frank!

Bob McGwier

Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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