During the monthly developer's call today it was decided that working
groups should communicate through the general GNU Radio mailing list.  If
you do not already track that list, please see
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/MailingLists for
guidance, subscription details, and a link to the archives.  The list you
want is discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org.

This message is being sent to the mailing list BCCing all of the folks that
participated in the GNU Radio conference coprocessor working group session
or indicated interest in participating after the fact.  This is the last
communication I will send directly to the conference participant's e-mail
addresses -- all future correspondence will be through the GR mailing
list.  Please do use representative subject lines to clearly mark threads
related to the topic of accelerators and coprocessors.

Since this is the first coprocessor working group post to the mailing list
I would like to call attention to the working group wiki and thank Tom
Rondeau and Michael Dickens for their contributions to date:

What we need now is action on the "initial goals" as described on the wiki
page.  Action can be any one of the following:

   - Offering further definition of the near-term challenges, long term
   goals, and needs for specific coprocessors by sending ideas to the mailing
   list or editing the working group wiki, or
   - Contributing changes to GNU Radio that support the initial goals.

At the hackfest I believe there was discussion of creating a branch for
some of the needed scheduler and buffer changes.  I've CC'd Johnathan who
can hopefully comment on this.

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