Hi Everyone,

The flowgraph I am implementing is simple and straight forward. I am
modulation a set of data and a known preamble. The modulations I am looking
at are either PSK or QAM. After a block of "Channel Model", I want to
demodulate the signal and obviously, for fair SNR values I should receive
the same preamble and data values.

Now the problem is that when I use the deprecated "PSK/QAM Mod" and
"PSK/QAM Demod", everything works fine. However, based on the examples in
"/digital/demod" and "/digital/packet", when I try to use the "FLL
Band-Edge" followed by "Correlation Estimator", "Polyphase Clock Sync", and
"Costas Loop" to compensate the channel for PSK modulation, the results I
am getting are not correct.

It would be your kind if you could answer my questions please:

1- What is the correct way of demodulating the received signal?
2- In the provided examples, no equalizer is used after "Polyphase Clock
Sync", whereas in a tutorial available at Gnuradio website a "CMA
Equaliser" is needed there. So which one is the correct one?
3- If I move to QAM modulation, the only thing I need to do would be
replacing "Costas Loop" with a "Constellation Receiver", right?


PS: the flowgraph I am using is attached to this email.

Attachment: Test.grc
Description: Binary data

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