Good day.

I'd like to know more about the Python doc problem.

From what I can tell, generating python docs for gnuradio is an outstanding task

I say this because I do not see xsltproc, for example, called anywhere during build, and I think if this problem were already solved, I probably would.

While I cannot yet volunteer to work on this problem, a bit of status on where it is would be helpful.

Some things I believe and/or have executed:

- Being new to swig and python and its uses in given situations, I'm still a bit disoriented wrto which gnuradio-core ("core") piece dovetails into what other piece.

I think it goes like this:

In the beginning, there was C++.  From that follows python interfaces into C++ via swig.  From there we find utility python code in the core written by some human and not a code generating tool.  And from there we find python application code here and there.

- True or false (and why so either way):  the documentation task above must be solved before we can produce, presumably with epydoc, html docs for *any* core python code.

- Having compiled the core with --enable-doxygen, I notice that there are xml files in the output, presumably the ones mentioned in the mailing list post.

- I notice some %feature("autodoc","1") instances in some .i swig files. It appears we are incrementally solving the problem that is the subject of the mailing list posting above. 

- I see many .i files that do not contain "autodoc"/"docstring" directives.  Not sure why, or what the implications are.  (Notice how
this can mean "I disagree with what I see" or "Someone tell me why I see what I see, because I just don't know".  I mean the latter.).

- assuming we get to swig_doc.i files mentioned in the post, would there be one swig_doc.i file for every other .i file in the core?

- a general backing question:  a python module can have code that originates in high level python code (a .py file) as well as code that comes to us by way of a swig interface. , e.g., has a flow_graph via 'native' python code as well as a file_sink that comes to us via swig.  Presumably we lack input that can generate docs for that swig interface object.

- if this problem were already solved, can I get an example of an html file that would exist as a result?  Just the file name, not the contents.

Thank you.


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