Hi Guys,

When I boot up my computer and try to connect to an USRP2 node, then
the first connection never works, but subsequent ones are working

1) uhd_find_devices always works:

linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104800; UHD_003.005.004-5-g6bb62ea3

-- UHD Device 0
Device Address:
    type: usrp2
    serial: 322

2) but uhd_usrp_probe does not work at the first try:

linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104800; UHD_003.005.004-5-g6bb62ea3

-- Opening a USRP2/N-Series device...
-- Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
-- Current send frame size: 1116 bytes

UHD Error:
    Control packet attempt 0, sequence number 1:
    RuntimeError: no control response, possible packet loss

UHD Error:
    Control packet attempt 1, sequence number 2:
    RuntimeError: no control response, possible packet loss

UHD Error:
    Control packet attempt 2, sequence number 3:
    RuntimeError: no control response, possible packet loss
Error: RuntimeError: link dead: timeout waiting for control packet ACK

3) my system is

Linux node1-2.sb2.orbit-lab.org 3.5.0-43-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu
SMP Thu Oct 24 14:52:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

4) pinging the usrp2 node does not help, no matter what I do, I can
never access the usrp2 right away, only on the second and subsequent

Any idea what could cause this?


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