
I've been getting a series of underruns when running a USRP2 at 10MHz
(Interpolation = 10) using RTS and a fast machine. I plugged a serial cable
into the UART and can see one or more 'U's pop up on the screen. Depending
on how many custom blocks I have, the occurrence of a U can take from 2
minutes to an hour. The average processor usage varies with which blocks I
use but only over a range from 20% to 35% with no spikes above 40% according
to gnome-system-monitor.

More-over, if I make a simple flowgraph in GRC of the following:
GLFSR(23, True, 0,1) -> char_to_float -> float_to_complex ->
USRP2_sink(Interp = 10, freq = 2.4e9, gain = 20, Clock: Lock to external
(With Real Time scheduling enabled)

I still get underruns!

Anyone have any ideas on what might cause my underruns or just underruns in


James Streitman
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