Hello, everyone!

I found an interesting option in the receive_path.py file under the directory: 
gnuradio-examples/python/digital. I think asserting that option is aimed to 
record the received signal power and store the data into a file, but in my 
opinion, it is storing whatever it has received into that file. In other words, 
no matter no matter whether there is packet over the air, it is always storing 
and storing, am I right? If it is as what I thought, that file is meaningless 
(I even tried to open that file using vim, but all of contents in that file are 
illegible characters) and we could not use that file to calculate the received 
signal strength, it that right? I am not an experienced guy about gnuradio, and 
I would like to listen to all kinds of advices. Thank you!


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