On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 03:09:54PM +0100, Mattias Kjellsson wrote:
> Hi list,
> I was browsing the c++ code in gr-usrp today, and found a strange thing  
> in "flexrf_base.cc", line 337 to 349 in svn10524 (included below).
> ==================
> flexrf_base_tx::gain_min()
> {
>  return usrp()->pga_max();
> }
> float
> flexrf_base_tx::gain_max()
> {
>  return usrp()->pga_max();
> }
> ==================
> Is it just me who thinks it looks strange that both gain_min() and  
> gain_max() calls pga_max()? Since it looks like a typo, I felt obligated  
> to report...
> BR

Hi Mattias,

That code is correct.  For best performance of the RFX's we always run
the PGA's at the maximum gain.


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