Hello everyone here,
  I find if I do not use UHD, for example, when I use gnuradio-3.3.0 to
transmit files, the "ok=flase" when I set the bitrate greater than 600K or
less than 300K. However, when I install UHD and use gnuradio-3.5.0, I find
I can use the bitrate from 1M to 5M, why the uhd can lead to the difference
when I use the same modulation method?

  I get bitrate from the URL:
  Bitrate(symbols per second)=convert_rate/inter/sample_per_symbol
  The convert_rate is decided by the DACs, the inter and sample_per_symbol
is set by gnuradio, does them lead to the difference?
  Any guidance will be appreciated!

Ding, Yuzhen
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