Hi all,

As some people who where on GNU Radio hamradio meeting on Saturday are already aware, the first weekend of February (6/2 and 7/2) is FOSDEM 2021, the "Free and Open-Source Developers European Meeting".

This event is one of the largest conferences in open-source (hardware, software, data, knowledge) development in Europe, and includes the "Free Software radio devroom" on Sunday. Check out the talks here: https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/track/free_software_radio/

However, FOSDEM in not only talks and devroom; it also includes a number of stands to promote opensource projects and the opensource culture. One of these stands is the "Infobooth on Amateur Radio" hosted by the UBA, the Belgian Amateur Radio Society. The purpose of the Amateur-radio infobooth is to try to help bridge the amateurradio and opensource / developers / hackers / maker communities. The goal is to demonstrate amateur-radio -as technical / scientific hobby that allows everybody to learn and experiment with radio and radio-communication- to the open-source community; and -at the same time- get more people from the amateurradio side to FOSDEM and show the advantages of open-source software, hardware and open knowledge and data.

As FOSDEM 2021 is an online-event, so is the infobooth; so everything will be done via online chat and videolinks.
Using the internet, the stand will show what it means to be a ham.
The FOSDEM organisation will help redirect (online) visitors of the FOSDEM conference (i.e. the talks and presentation) to the web / chat / video-content of the infostands; which will allow the stands to interact with the visitors.

Why am I writing this? .. Well, I am looking for volunteers who can help out (part of) that weekend.

The motto of the infostand this year is "a day in the life of a radio-amateur". However, to make the FOSDEM web-presence more then just a website and a chat-server; we want to add live video-contents.

The idea is that you simply you do whatever part of the amateur-radio hobby you normally do that weekend (make radio contacts, do FT8 or JT9, receive images from the ISS, make a QSO over satellite, solder an electronics kit, ... whatever you like, .. perhaps even some GNU Radio things!!), and you provide a live video-feed of that. This "video-stream" can be a camera in your shack, a screen-capture of your computer or a websdr, or .. -why not- a live video-stream while you are activating a SOTA summit.

This video-link will be streamed to a video-server, so that visitors to FOSDEM can 'hop in' to the stand, see what the amateur-radio hobby is about ("no, amateur-radio not just talking into a microphone"), and ask questions via chat and videochat.

But, wait, there is more.

As we now have this video-server, why not use it for some experiments ourselves?

image this: make a contact over radio and -at the same time- have a video-link over the internet to the station on the other side. Have you ever wondered what really happens to your signal on the remote side when you change transmission power-level, your antenna or transmission mode of your station?
How is the FreeDV voice-call over HF is impacted by changing band?
Or would you like to know how your SSTV images over QO-100 get impacted by changing the mode?
This might be your chance!

So, are you available on the weekend of 6 and 7 February (between 9 AM and 4 PM UTC), and are you interested to help out to demonstrate amateur-radio to an audience that is actually interested in what you are doing (especially if it is geeky :-) ), please contact me.

I would need about 3 or 4 more people for each day, .. so any help is welcome!

(But don't forget to watch the presentation of the Free Software Radio devroom too! :-) )

kristoff - ON1ARF

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