Hi !

Hi, i'm still trying to compile a simple block written in cpp, but i get many 
errors. I want to share with you some of them:

First of all, when i follow the wiki tutorial i get an error using gr_modtool 
add. Here you can see the options and the error i get:

cmri@ces-PC:~/gr-exxxx$ gr_modtool add mm
GNU Radio module name identified: exxxx
('sink', 'source', 'sync', 'decimator', 'interpolator', 'general', 
'tagged_stream', 'hier', 'noblock')
Enter block type: general
Language (python/cpp): cpp
Language: C++
Block/code identifier: mm
Please specify the copyright holder: me
Enter valid argument list, including default arguments:

Add Python QA code? [Y/n]
Add C++ QA code? [y/N] y
Adding file 'lib/mm_impl.h'...
Adding file 'lib/mm_impl.cc'...
Adding file 'include/exxxx/mm.h'...
Adding file 'lib/qa_mm.cc'...
Adding file 'lib/qa_mm.h'...
Can't add C++ QA files.
Editing swig/exxxx_swig.i...
Adding file 'python/qa_mm.py'...
Editing python/CMakeLists.txt...
Adding file 'grc/exxxx_mm.block.yml'...
Editing grc/CMakeLists.txt...

As you can see it seems that gr_modtool can't handle c++ QA files. I'm totally 
stuck with this error and i have no idea why i get that error.

The second error i get, is when i try to compile the block (just in order to 
know if i have everything i need to compile):

-- Checking for module 'mpir >= 3.0'
--   No package 'mpir' found

What i did? i Searched for the missing module and i installed version 3.0 from 
source as mpir documentation states, but the error didn't dissapear, i can find 
mpir library in /usr/local/lib though.

Additionally, I think that is a good idea to add gmp, mpir and doxygen 
libraries to gnuradio-dev package so that it becomes easier to get gnuradio 
ready to compile any block.

Following this tutorial which was done for v3.7 is tough but hopefully if i 
find the way to finish it i could modify it to adapt it to v3.8.

I have not mentioned anyting .yml files. Do you think that taking a look at 
.yml files of blocks already ported to 3.8 is a good way to learn about them?

Thanks you!

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