---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rogelio Serrano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 20, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Status of ProjectCenter development
To: Serg Stoyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 11/19/05, Serg Stoyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, everobydy

First of all I want to make an apologies to all who wait for next
ProjectCenter releases. PC development is not dead. Now I want to clearify
some questions about PC development:

What's already done in development branch:

1. PC bundle management rewritten. Bundles are now loaded on demand.

2. More modularization was done. There are several types of bundles (modules)
now: project types, editors, code parsers.  More to come: e.g. preferences.

What's need to be done for 0.5.0 release:

1. I realize that key component of PC is code editor. So, I've already started
writing editor and ObjC parser (as I said it berfore, it's now loadable
bundle). The major features of upcoming code editor is:
        - close integration with Project Browser (show classes, defines etc.);
        - close intergation with Project Builder (jump to errors, warnings);
        - prepare for integration with debugger (jump to breakpoints etc.);
        - indentation with respect to GNUstep Coding Standards;
The most wanted feature for editor is syntax highlighting. Yes, syntax
highlighting is planned, but after 0.5.0 release.

2. Localization support for projects. This feature probable require project
directory layout. I want to attract attention for those who using PC hardly:
I plan to make more CHANGES to protject's DIRECTORY LAYOUT. If it's possible,
DELAY using PC until 0.5.0 release.

3. Finish every part of Project Window (draggable file name icon,
ProjectBrowser, status line, etc.)

4. Finish Project Builder. It means overall building process: root directory
hanling, improved errors and warnings handing (for example click to jump to
line in code editor with error or warning), implement ability to use as much
features of gnustep-make packages as possible.

What is not planned for 0.5.0 release:

- project indexing;
- code editor syntax highlighting;
- I've missed something?

ATTENTION for those who claims about pure quality of
ProjectCenter(segfaulting, incorrect behaviour): send bug reports, please, to
me or GNUstep web site. Claims without detailed problem descrition can't help
improve PC's quality.

Thanks for you patience. I'll try to make happy everybody with ProjectCenter.

Serg Stoyan

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Thats nice to hear. I would love to help testing.

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