That’s great news. Please don’t hesitate to file bug reports about the
packages. Many of the GNUstep apps have warnings that lead me to suspect that
they won’t actually work, but I haven’t tested all of them (and certainly
haven’t exhaustively tested the frameworks).
I should probably ma
Discuss-gnustep mailing list
Hi Patryk,
Those should have been installed as part of the gnustep-make package, which
should be a dependency of the gnustep package. If not, then you can do pkg ins
gnustep-make to install the missing part.
This was probably hidden for people building from ports, where the build
I seem to be having an issue getting GNUstep installed on FreeBSD 10.2. After "pkg ins
gnustep" completes, there is a helpful message saying to source the appropriate .csh shell
settings file from /usr/local/GNUstep/System/LibraryMakefiles/. However, that directory doesn't
have any