Is the answer i have to write it to disk first?

On 11/22/06, Steven Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey all

I've got a page that is outputting a file (mp3 to be exact) I want to
hit that with cfhttp and output the data back to the browser as a
valid mp3 file. The reason why cfhttp is calling a cfm that serves a
mp3 is that I have to simulate what the external service is going to
do when it is developed so no questions about why im doing that! ; )

I tried this:

<cfhttp url = "http://localhost/servemp3.cfm"; />
<cfset thefile = cfhttp.fileContent >
<cfcontent type = "audio/mpeg" >

and i tried this:
<cfhttp url = "http://localhost/servemp3.cfm"; />
<cfcontent type = "audio/mpeg" file="#cfhttp.fileContent#" >

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364
[fax] 928-484-4364

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364
[fax] 928-484-4364

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