Hi all,

I just wanted to post a quick note on behind the scenes progress.

I had hoped that by now we could have posted some proposals for one and
all to consider, but as is the nature of things it has taken longer than
expected and there have been one or two last minute hitches.

I can only assure you that a lot of people have been working very hard
to try and lay some new foundations for SME so we can build on it and
move forward.

I am hoping that I can post a pile of stuff for you to digest next week.

In the meantime, well done to all for the fantastic progress on v9

I understand that there is not much more blocking a Beta, which is quite
simply staggering IMHO. But we aren't there yet and cannot afford to be
complacent and ease off the gas.

It's not difficult to help. If you haven't already done so, please go
and get a copy, fire up a box or VM, and go and try and break it. Push
every button and link and abuse it in every way you can :-)

Simple as that.

If you have problems then please post a bug. If you don't know how, or
need a hand please just ask, either on the lists, on IRC freenode
#SME_Server or email me and I will point you in the right direction.

And finally to all those in the background who have helped and supported
me over the last few months, I just want to say a big thank you. You are
a truly inspirational bunch and a privilege to work with.

Oooohhhhh... I am SO excited :-)

B. Rgds
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