Comment out the call to update_cvs_depot?  Or update that routine to
better handle a development model that has no CVS access?  I know, not
optimal, but FWIW, I wouldn't mind it if someone hacked in a method to
pull down the tree via other means (such as say mercurial, or
subversion) so you could have a local cvs->other scm bridge and worked
on the local scm.


On 2/25/07, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I will answer my own question:

the problem is that RELENG_6_1 does not (currently) compile. To fix I
changed the "freebsd_branch" variable in to RELENG_6_2
that compiled cleanly.

Now I have a second problem: Each time I call the builder
script will resync with the pfsense CVS hence loosing any changes that I

On the wiki there's some info pointing me to define a SKIP_CHECKOUT
variable, but update_cvs_depot defined in which is
responsible for taking care of this, only checks for SKIP_RSYNC and
always updates from CVS (regardles what it states):

update_cvs_depot() {
    # Update cvs depot. If SKIP_RSYNC is defined, skip the RSYNC update
    # and prompt if the operator would like to download cvs.tgz from
    # If also SKIP_CHECKOUT is defined, don't update the tree at all
    if [ -z "${SKIP_RSYNC:-}" ]; then
                rm -rf $BASE_DIR/pfSense
                rsync -avz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot /home/pfsense/
                (cd $BASE_DIR && cvs -d /home/pfsense/cvsroot co -r
${PFSENSETAG} pfSense)
                cvsup pfSense-supfile
                rm -rf pfSense
                rm -rf $BASE_DIR/pfSense
                (cd $BASE_DIR && cvs -d /home/pfsense/cvsroot co -r
${PFSENSETAG} pfSense)
                (cd $BASE_DIR/tools/ && cvs update -d)

Am I looking at the wrong code or is there a different way to not update
from CVS during build?


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