
On 19/03/2017 14:39, Ira Abramov wrote: 

> Howdie, folks. 
> (posting this here since I couldn't get mail sent to Linux-IL this morning)
> For almost two decades now, I've been using Qmail as an all-around SMTP 
> server, enjoying its many advanced (for 1996) features such as extended 
> emails (user-EXT@ much like Gmail's user+EXT@), virtual domains and 
> retro-patched chaining of spamassassin and clamAV. But now it's old, 
> maintenance is annoying and peripheral stuff (like synching authentication 
> with IMAP for virtual users/domains) is breaking. In short, I need a new pop 
> toaster.
> Two obvious choices to look at are postfix and maybe exim. But I want a web 
> interface for domain owners to manage their own domains' users and mailing 
> lists, it has to be in php7 or other FCGI (I removed Apache and moved to 
> nginx, no more CGI support), Virtual users, catch-all addresses, user address 
> extensions, interface with modern IMAP servers, etc.

Yes to all. 

I configured it with LDAP, so I can export with anything that supports
that. I use php-ldap-admin, and each domain owner can log in and has
only permissions to see and manage her own domains. 

> plus all the expected modern antispam features like DKIM, SPF, DMARC and 
> whatever the cool kids are using these days.

Have not installed DMARC. Everything else working fine. 

> Looking around I bumped into Posty, Postfix Admin, CyrUp and vexim2. I am 
> sure there are others I may have missed. Anyone got recommendations? If it's 
> packaged with Chef/Puppet/In a docker container - even better.

Personally, I edit config files. 

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