
My name is Rachel and I am a master's student using Python as part of my
thesis work analysis.  I have found a package online and have downloaded it
from github, but am having difficulties getting Python to recognize that I
have downloaded the files.  I am relatively new to Python and have been
working in ipython notebook, so other command terminals are difficult for
me.  I have come across your article titled "Installing Python Modules"
where you discuss using pip to install different packages.  I have looked
in my packages in Canopy's Package Manager and it says that I have pip
7.1.0-1 installed, but for some reason when I type in the code: python -m
pip install SomePackage,
I am receiving an error that pip is an invalid syntax.  Again I am using
ipython notebook to run this, not sure if that is contributing to the issue.
Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much!
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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