Not exactly sure if this is the issue, but my appveyor test script contains

testenv\scripts\pip.exe install --cache-dir=dist --find-links file:dist 

where in turn reportlab contained install_requires=['pillow>=2.4.0'].

After an upgrade sometime between Apr 26 and May 18 this started to fail because 
pip could no longer find a pillow>=2.4.

"=============================== Python27 TEST START"
941c:\Python%PYTHON%\python.exe -mvirtualenv testenv
942New python executable in C:\projects\reportlab\testenv\Scripts\python.exe
943Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
944testenv\scripts\pip.exe install --cache-dir=dist --find-links file:dist 
945Looking in links: file:dist
946Collecting reportlab
947Collecting pillow>=2.4.0 (from reportlab)
948  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pillow>=2.4.0 
(from reportlab) (from versions: )
949No matching distribution found for pillow>=2.4.0 (from reportlab)
950Command exited with code 1
951myenv\scripts\python.exe -mrl_ci_tools email --subject="!!!!! APPVEYOR 
%APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME% build failed" --faddr=rl-wheelbuilder --body="see";

I had assumed that pip would fail to find pillow in the dist folder and then move on to somewhere more useful eg pypi, but with pip 10.0.1 this seems not to happen. It's easy to fix with a separate install of the, but what is the correct way to indicate dependencies which will allow installation from my freshly built wheel?
Robin Becker
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