Hi all,

The poll[1] has closed, and it's close but "Gendered Toilets / unisex"
has the most votes. This should be a good, bog standard, first quarterly
project. There are 207,000 amenity=toilets mapped in OSM, and only ~4%
of them have any gender markers, "male"/"female"/"unisex". Lots to do!

I've started a wiki page here

Please feel free to update it, expand it, correct it, etc.

Here's an overpass query that shows all toilets on a map:
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/y8Y Here's one that (I think) will show all
amenity=toilets without a female/male tag:
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/y8U  An overpass query to show all without
male, female *or* unisex tag (right now this is practically all
toilets): https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/y8W

Those maps will tell you what you need to go out and map.

amenity=toilets are for free standing toilets. We should decide how to
map toilet genderings, (esp unisex toilets) inside other amenities. e.g.
a restaurant with gender neutral toielts. toilets:unisex=yes probably.

Are there other attributes to add that I haven't mentioned?

I added the word "unisex" because of one isssue. About 6 months ago I
noticed that JOSM's validator suggests changing "female=yes male=yes" on
toilets to "unisex=yes", which is actually quite different[2]. It has
been fixed and won't suggest that again. If you see a toilets with
"unisex=yes" you should double check and fix it if needed. Perhaps we
could find all toilets changed by the JOSM editor from male/female to


[1] https://framadate.org/iICunKdggDUaDEmE
[2] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/15536

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