Hey all

Finally got around to posting information about the DISC and our recent meeting 
to the OSMF wiki: 

I also was chatting with Martin Dittus, who has done a lot of research on HOT 
http://martindittus.info/, for his insight on how to approach the survey work. 
Thought I'd share his thoughts.

> I don’t have quite the right specialisation for this, but can offer some 
> general reflections based on the above. Regarding filling in gaps, a) 
> Surveys. Might be worth to simply review what old & recent surveys are 
> available, and (if you want to run your own) how they phrased these kinds of 
> questions. I imagine Yu-wei might have good perspectives on survey design if 
> needed - her approach might actually already be described in the paper. b) 
> there is of course survivorship bias there in any such survey - it won’t tell 
> us why people dropped out. For that I’d recommend more ethnographic 
> approaches, people who’ve accompanied the community and have seen/heard 
> stories.  C) generally I suspect that a lot of the work that is being asked 
> for has already been done, and it’s simply not been collated and given 
> visibility. It might be worthwhile to eg review all the documents linked in 
> that Diversity wiki page above and see what kind of recommendations the 
> authors make. Broadly speaking I suspect the committee’s time might be well 
> spent not trying to reproduce the most recent stats, but instead simply 
> finding succinct articulations of known specific issues; ie a kind of 
> visibility & strategy-setting agenda 

This echoes a lot of the thoughts during our first meetings of the DISC -- 
there's a lot existing to draw on, and what's the most we can make with it.


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

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