Hi everybody,
I was productive right after I sent the last update but then I got
stuck on the validators. I did, however created a few test validators
and tests for those (expect the number of django tests to go up thanks
to this since I generate them semiautomatically :) ).

What I did this week
* moved validate_unique to model (added a few tests for collecting
unique checks)
* split FormField's clean method to to_python and validate
* added validators to fields (see validators)

I have added two validators as a sample and some code to call them,
but this is all most likely to change since I haven't come up with a
good solution how to be able to call validators both from fields and
then forms.

I am also toying with the idea of coercers - little functions for
coercing data types that would also throw ValidationErrors on failure
so it would also be usable as validators.

an example would be:

def to_int(value):
  try: return int(value)
  except: raise ValidationError('Not int')

What do I want to work on next:
* finish working on validators
* more validation
* moving validation logic into validators
* more tests

Honza Král
E-Mail: honza.k...@gmail.com
Phone:  +420 606 678585

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