Hi all,
I know setting up the team is still under way but in the meantime I wanted
to bring your attention to a set of issues I recently reported about the
accessibility of Django forms:
- The as_table, as_ul, as_p output styles being inappropriate,
I would also lean towards option 3. If someone makes wrappers they might
also release them in a third party package.
On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 at 17:46, Carlton Gibson
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for this follow up. To give context, I think there’s enough support
> (here and on the PR) to say, OK let
Hi Paul,
Thanks for this follow up. To give context, I think there’s enough support
(here and on the PR) to say, OK let’s take it.
Mariusz and I have two others on the list, which we’ll get in tomorrow.
I’ll then branch stable/3.2.x (and we can bootstrap Django 4.0 and continue
main line developm
As we come closer to the deadline, I thought I'd like to bring attention to
the one aspect of the zoneinfo-support PR that I am least certain about but
which hasn't gotten much discussion, detailed here:
*Note*: I don't think anyth
Week ending January 10, 2021
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/32310 - Clarify
ManyToManyField.through note about reverse accessors names for
non-symmetrical recursive relationships. (accepted)
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/32314 - Allow autoreloading
of `python
Above pull request (Ticket #24141) has a discussion on how to handle
qs.contains() for QuerySets with qs.values() or qs.values_list() calls.
Current patch checks self._result_cache if exists and iterable class is
ModelIterable, otherwise returns .filt