Cedar Cares, Inc. funded me to write a Snowflake backend. The first alpha
for Django 3.2 was released this week. Testers and feedback are welcome!
I didn't find the implementation particularly onerous, but pe
Hi Vishal,
See this discussion for more details on the topic
- https://groups.google.com/g/django-developers/c/wp-pnzcB25o/m/D5gEOzPIAQAJ
lördag 4 december 2021 kl. 21:45:59 UTC+1 skrev vishalpan...@gmail.com:
> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to know why Django renders datefield and time
Hi everyone,
I wanted to know why Django renders datefield and timefield as input type =
"text" field in html.
I am aware of the fact that almost all browsers are compatible with input
type date and time. So rendering it as a text field doesn't make any sense
to me, but I also understand that