Okay, I've  been working with django for a little while, and I thought
I'd share my experience and point out some things that bugged/confused
me at first. Looking at settings.py:

MEDIA_* is poorly named since they overload the meaning of 'media'
which otherwise relates back to the static css/img/js content.
MEDIA_UPLOAD, or something else would be clearer. If this is not
changed then the description needs to be made more obvious.

MEDIA_URL is basically invalid if left blank - it resolves to a file in
the root server directory. It seems like it should work with relative
urls (so not to specify the domain name - great for debugging from
local sources). It might be beneficial to remind the user that they
need to do two things to make the configuration work:

  1) add the exception to their .htaccess file (if media_url is a child
of the django root) to let their httpd find their directory
  2) add the 'if DEBUG..." conditional and urls.py mapping if they want
to use the local test server.

There should be some mention about that here.. I'm sure it would make
the configuration process more clear.


"MEDIA_UPLOAD_ROOT: absolute location to store uploaded content on the
local file system. This directory needs to be writable by the server

"MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL: Absolute URL (http://whatever.com/media/) or
relative to the host url (/media/) from which to serve uploaded media"

Supporting the Built-in and Production server in the General Case

-MEDIA_UPLOAD is a special case for django, since it is necessary for
the django process to receive files (can't be delegated to remote
server, without much more work [I suppose you could have a form submit
to another server, but then you'd lose any benefit])

For all other static content serving, django avoids making any
commitments as to location.

I think it is a smart idea to separate the concerns of the dynamic and
static content. Django shouldn't be responsible for locating or serving
these files. That being said, the current setup (especially when using
the built-in server) makes this task more difficult than it needs to

At the moment, anything non-django being served by the same host must
be specified as an exception in both the .htaccess file (to prevent
urls.py lookup, please correct me if I'm wrong), and in urls.py (for
the local
test server, again as recommended in a "if debug" conditional [also
maybe it should be an if "debug_server"]).

This is duplication.

The separation of concerns becomes a hindrance to flexibility - I'm not
sure how Adrian implemented it, but when he moved his static hosting to
the Amazon service I'm sure he would have liked to have a STATIC_URL
setting which would have allowed him to simply insert a new base url,
and have requests automatically redirected to the remote server
transparently. No matter how easy it is to modify the template, or add
in dynamic references is (say by prepending {{media_host_root}}) this
is still bound to be more error prone and require thought on the part
of the media producer.

This is nothing that can't be handled with exclusively in mod_rewrite,
at least in production. And in the urls.py for testing. The problem,
and obvious downside to just doing it that way:

1) two different configs to keep in sync
2) all requests are still made to the django host, so there is still
the overhead of dealing with each redirect (but not serving content!)

The solution I'd recommend is to extend urls.py to emit the redirects.
If .htaccess has been fixed, they should never be reached anyway. That
way, both testing and production configuration can be unified in one

This is a hard issue. I know this decision was not made lightly. I
agree that it is doesn't make sense to have django be responsible for
actually serving static media. But a middle ground solution would be
easier to maintain.

Gil Pinheiro

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