I was launching manage.py runserver from another app and trying to
capture the output correctly without luck using pipes. Eventually I
narrowed the problem down to two issues. In my opinion they are bugs
but I thought I'd ask for confirmations here before creating a ticket
and patch.

Issue 1: The startup message of development server isn't flushed.

The result is that starting the server from console directly it is
printed correctly during startup, but using pipes the message isn't
flushed until shutdown (Ctrl+C pressed). Since log messages use etderr
(issue 2) they are flushed before the startup message.


$ python manage.py runserver 2>> output 1>> output  // redirect stderr
and stdout to file named output

[send few http requests]
[press Ctrl+C]

$ cat output

[20/Jan/2012 13:54:24] "GET // HTTP/1.1" 200 358
[20/Jan/2012 13:54:24] "GET // HTTP/1.1" 200 358
[20/Jan/2012 13:54:24] "GET // HTTP/1.1" 200 358
Validating models...

0 errors found
Django version 1.4 alpha 1, using settings 'djangotut.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Since the actual log messages go to stderr (next issue), the startup
message keeps hanging until shotdown when it's eventually printed to
end of the file. I tried with many commands and all showed the same

Is this a clear bug?

SOLUTION: adding a stdout.flush() to runserver.py fixes this for me.

Issue 2: Log entries about http requests go to stderr

For some reason the log entries go to stderr (for example 'GET //
HTTP...'). Is this a bug, or is there some reason for this?

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