I am working on a db/backend/odbc module using cdODBC.  Can someone review the 
mapping I came up with?   I #ed the ones that didn't seem to have any that fit.

description of the datatypes: http://ceodbc.sourceforge.net/html/vartypes.html

# Maps type objects to Django Field types.
     ceODBC.BigIntegerVar: ' IntegerField',
#    ceODBC.Binary: ' Field',
#    ceODBC.BinaryVar: ' Field',
     ceODBC.BitVar: 'BooleanField',
     ceODBC.Date: 'DateField',
#    ceODBC.DateFromTicks: ' Field',
     ceODBC.DateVar: 'DateField',
     ceODBC.DecimalVar: 'DecimalField',
     ceODBC.DoubleVar: 'FloatField',
     ceODBC.IntegerVar: 'IntegerField',
#    ceODBC.LongBinaryVar: ' Field',
     ceODBC.LongStringVar: 'TextField',
#    ceODBC.ROWID: ' Field',
     ceODBC.StringVar: 'CharField',
     ceODBC.Time: 'TimeField',
#    ceODBC.TimeFromTicks: ' Field',
     ceODBC.TimeVar: 'TimeField',
     ceODBC.Timestamp: 'DateTimeField',
#    ceODBC.TimestampFromTicks: ' Field',
     ceODBC.TimestampVar: ' Field',


Carl K

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