I am trying to create an endpoint for when a user is logged in to check the 
status of user is logged in react js. For my backend, I use django 
rest-framework. Here is the backend code.


from rest_framework import serializers
 from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings from 
django.contrib.auth.models import User class 
UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = User fields = 
('username',) # handle signups only class 
UserSerializerWithToken(serializers.ModelSerializer): token = 
serializers.SerializerMethodField() password = 
serializers.CharField(write_only=True) def get_token(self, obj): 
jwt_payload_handler = api_settings.JWT_PAYLOAD_HANDLER jwt_encode_handler = 
api_settings.JWT_ENCODE_HANDLER payload = jwt_payload_handler(obj) token = 
jwt_encode_handler(payload) return token def create(self, validated_data): 
password = validated_data.pop('password', None) inst = 
self.Meta.model(**validated_data) if password is not None: 
inst.set_password(password) inst.save() return inst class Meta: fields = 
('token', 'username', 'password')

urls.py: The following code is where I would create the endpoint

from django.contrib import adminfrom django.urls import path, includefrom 
django.conf import settingsfrom django.conf.urls.static import staticfrom 
rest_framework_jwt.views import obtain_jwt_tokenfrom rest_framework_jwt.views 
import verify_jwt_token

urlpatterns = [
    path('api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls')),
    # path('rest-auth/', include('rest_auth.urls')),
    # path('rest-auth/registration/', include('rest_auth.registration.urls')),
    path('token-auth/', obtain_jwt_token),
    path('api-token-verify/', verify_jwt_token),
    path('login/', include('login.urls')),
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('api/', include('menus.api.urls')),
    path('phlogapi/', include('phlogfeeder.phlogapi.urls'))]
if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

I am confused on how to create a endpoint with jwt.

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