Re: [Django] #11265: ForeignKey/OneToOneField should support user-defined id attribute name

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11265: ForeignKey/OneToOneField should support user-defined id attribute name ---+ Reporter: dstora| Owner: nobody Status: new

Re: [Django] #5897: Add Content-Length header in common middleware

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#5897: Add Content-Length header in common middleware ---+ Reporter: Scott Barr | Owner: ccahoon Status: new

Re: [Django] #11263: Bug in lookup with generic relation in model inheritance

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11263: Bug in lookup with generic relation in model inheritance ---+ Reporter: veena | Owner: nobody Status: new

Re: [Django] #11260: File based cache not very efficient with large amounts of cached files

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11260: File based cache not very efficient with large amounts of cached files -+-- Reporter: anteater_sa | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #11250: InlineModelAdmin with can_delete

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11250: InlineModelAdmin with can_delete +--- Reporter: ctao | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11240: Compilemessages fails if a % character is at certain places in the .po file

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11240: Compilemessages fails if a % character is at certain places in the .po file +--- Reporter: tback | Owner: garcia_marc Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm +--- Reporter: | Owner: Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11220: __similar in filter

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11220: __similar in filter +--- Reporter: gruszczy | Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone: Component: Uncategorized | Version: 1.0

Re: [Django] #11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm +--- Reporter: | Owner: mmalone Status: reopened |

Re: [Django] #11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm +--- Reporter: | Owner: mmalone Status: closed |

Re: [Django] #11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11632: in ModelField creates dublicate HTML-IDs in ModelForm +--- Reporter: | Owner: mmalone Status: assigned |

Re: [Django] #11217: Add Hungarian localflavor

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11217: Add Hungarian localflavor -+-- Reporter: nagyv | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #11213: as_hidden() broken SplitDateTime widget

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11213: as_hidden() broken SplitDateTime widget ---+ Reporter: skm | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Forms | Version: SVN

Re: [Django] #11203: ie not rendering correctly rtl forms

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11203: ie not rendering correctly rtl forms ---+ Reporter: hadaraz | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #11199: Select_related added to the query set will produce empty result

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11199: Select_related added to the query set will produce empty result ---+ Reporter: milosu| Owner: nobody Status: closed| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11185: Document how to customize widgets

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11185: Document how to customize widgets +--- Reporter: bensmith | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Documentation | Version: 1.0

Re: [Django] #11163: admin ForeignKeyRawIdWidget contains incorrect link when used in change list view

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11163: admin ForeignKeyRawIdWidget contains incorrect link when used in change list view ---+ Reporter: | Owner: nobody Status: reopened |

Re: [Django] #11160: Formset non_form_errors returns ErrorList() if is_valid is not called

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11160: Formset non_form_errors returns ErrorList() if is_valid is not called ---+ Reporter: vbmendes | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11150: ImageField validation depend on cStringIO

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11150: ImageField validation depend on cStringIO ---+ Reporter: vvd | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Forms | Version: SVN

Re: [Django] #11627: Allow users to run individual test suites using

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11627: Allow users to run individual test suites using -+-- Reporter: Manoj Govindan | Owner: nobody Status: closed |

Re: [Django] #11133: contrib.auth.tests to work without installed

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11133: contrib.auth.tests to work without installed ---+ Reporter: hvendelbo | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Contrib

Re: [Django] #11131: Add watchlist to Trac

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11131: Add watchlist to Trac -+-- Reporter: sampablokuper | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Django Web site |

Re: [Django] #11124: ModelAdmin's has_change_permission() and has_delete_permission() methods don't examine their obj parameter

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11124: ModelAdmin's has_change_permission() and has_delete_permission() methods don't examine their obj parameter ---+ Reporter: ramiro| Owner: nobody

Re: [Django] #11118: BaseCommand doesn't restore translation

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#8: BaseCommand doesn't restore translation -+-- Reporter: rvdrijst| Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #5076: Request object should try to determine encoding

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#5076: Request object should try to determine encoding +--- Reporter: dbr | Owner: Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11101: Oracle fails admin_view tests when the whole suite is run -- transaction problem?

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11101: Oracle fails admin_view tests when the whole suite is run -- transaction problem? ---+ Reporter: mboersma | Owner: mboersma Status: new

Re: [Django] #11081: Page rendering fails after upgrading to r10703

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11081: Page rendering fails after upgrading to r10703 -+-- Reporter: awatts | Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11079: Multi-table inheritance subclasses cannot be proxied

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11079: Multi-table inheritance subclasses cannot be proxied ---+ Reporter: gsong | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #11074: syncdb should execute custom field SQL separately from initial model SQL

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11074: syncdb should execute custom field SQL separately from initial model SQL --+- Reporter: psmith | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #11065: Improve version comparison functions, esp for PostgreSQL

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11065: Improve version comparison functions, esp for PostgreSQL ---+ Reporter: russellm | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10993: get_or_create should throw an exception if no lookup parameters are given

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10993: get_or_create should throw an exception if no lookup parameters are given ---+ Reporter: gasull2 | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #11057: No actions in admin (actions=None) messes up layout.

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11057: No actions in admin (actions=None) messes up layout. ---+ Reporter: rvdrijst | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11052: Q-Object disjunction join promotion .. bug

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11052: Q-Object disjunction join promotion .. bug ---+ Reporter: emulbreh | Owner: mtredinnick Status: assigned | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11047: Clarification of contenttypes docs

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11047: Clarification of contenttypes docs +--- Reporter: psmith | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11041: Document all QuerySet methods in QuerySet API

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11041: Document all QuerySet methods in QuerySet API +--- Reporter: idangazit | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Documentation |

Re: [Django] #11027: Storage backends should know about the max_length attribute of the FileFields

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11027: Storage backends should know about the max_length attribute of the FileFields ---+ Reporter: apollo13 | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: 1.2

Re: [Django] #11019: Admin inlines queryset

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11019: Admin inlines queryset ---+ Reporter: pcicman | Owner: Status: closed| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11018: Generic foreign keys in custom m2m relationship model

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11018: Generic foreign keys in custom m2m relationship model ---+ Reporter: Alexandr | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: 1.2

Re: [Django] #11011: Memcached backend: pass parameters to memcache backend

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11011: Memcached backend: pass parameters to memcache backend ---+ Reporter: erny | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Cache

Re: [Django] #11007: Add django.db.Model.changes(self) that returns a dict of differences

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11007: Add django.db.Model.changes(self) that returns a dict of differences ---+ Reporter:| Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11006: Cannot set intiial data with inline model formset

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11006: Cannot set intiial data with inline model formset -+-- Reporter: Joshua "jag" Ginsberg | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #11004: cache.set should raise an exception when key is too long

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11004: cache.set should raise an exception when key is too long +--- Reporter: RaceCondition | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Cache system

Re: [Django] #10996: CSRF documentation doesn't note login CSRF vulnerability

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10996: CSRF documentation doesn't note login CSRF vulnerability +--- Reporter: smehmood | Owner: lukeplant Status: new| Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #10995: Improve paginator to account for very large page_range's

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10995: Improve paginator to account for very large page_range's -+-- Reporter: swilly | Owner: nobody Status: reopened| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10993: get_or_create should throw an exception if no lookup parameters are sent

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10993: get_or_create should throw an exception if no lookup parameters are sent ---+ Reporter: gasull2 | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #10989: Typos in formset and widget media docs

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10989: Typos in formset and widget media docs -+-- Reporter: | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: 1.2 Component:

Re: [Django] #10988: timeuntil regressiontests fail

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10988: timeuntil regressiontests fail -+-- Reporter: gsong | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Core framework | Version: SVN

Re: [Django] #10977: In some cases, the intersection of two QuerySets is empty when it shouldn't be

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10977: In some cases, the intersection of two QuerySets is empty when it shouldn't be ---+ Reporter: zain | Owner: Status: new |

Re: [Django] #10972: Use Expressions with Annotations

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10972: Use Expressions with Annotations --+- Reporter: | Owner: Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10970: auto_now_add for DateField evaluetes to datetime.datetime instance

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10970: auto_now_add for DateField evaluetes to datetime.datetime instance ---+ Reporter: summerisgone | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #10969: django/contrib/localflavor/us/ update USStateField to act as a normal CharField with choices.

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10969: django/contrib/localflavor/us/ update USStateField to act as a normal CharField with choices. -+-- Reporter: pmclanahan | Owner: pmclanahan

Re: [Django] #10961: Allow users to override forward and reverse relationships on proxy models with !ForeignKey fields.

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10961: Allow users to override forward and reverse relationships on proxy models with !ForeignKey fields. ---+ Reporter: mrmachine | Owner: nobody

Re: [Django] #10947: Queryset "__in" documentation missing list() call

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10947: Queryset "__in" documentation missing list() call +--- Reporter: julianb| Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Documentation |

Re: [Django] #10952: Documentation of user authentication needs improvement

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10952: Documentation of user authentication needs improvement +--- Reporter: danielhepper | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Documentation

Re: [Django] #10854: geos required in

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10854: geos required in -+-- Reporter: skam| Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #6262: Cache templates

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#6262: Cache templates -+-- Reporter: SmileyChris | Owner: mmalone Status: new | Milestone: Component: Template system |

Re: [Django] #10942: Cannot pass a string of comma separated values or an iterable to `params` or `select_params` (e.g. for use with IN lookup).

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10942: Cannot pass a string of comma separated values or an iterable to `params` or `select_params` (e.g. for use with IN lookup). ---+ Reporter: mrmachine | Owner: nobody

Re: [Django] #10939: Allow for dynamic registration of inlines into an admin model

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10939: Allow for dynamic registration of inlines into an admin model ---+ Reporter: zbyte64 | Owner: nobody Status: closed| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10937: Recommendation of mod_wsgi is incompatible with apache-authentication technique described in docs

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10937: Recommendation of mod_wsgi is incompatible with apache-authentication technique described in docs +--- Reporter: | Owner: nobody Status: new

Re: [Django] #10923: Use thread-safe GEOS API if available

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10923: Use thread-safe GEOS API if available ---+ Reporter: andrew_pendleton | Owner: jbronn Status: new | Milestone: 1.2

Re: [Django] #10919: admin object deletion confirmation page causes server out of memory error

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10919: admin object deletion confirmation page causes server out of memory error ---+ Reporter: tobias| Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #10911: Date comparison lookup operators

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10911: Date comparison lookup operators ---+ Reporter: vbmendes | Owner: clement Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10907: Adding google news sitemap support to django.contrib.sitemaps

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10907: Adding google news sitemap support to django.contrib.sitemaps -+-- Reporter: lakinwecker | Owner: lakinwecker Status: assigned| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10879: Add Windmill Tests for Admin

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10879: Add Windmill Tests for Admin +--- Reporter: kkubasik | Owner: kkubasik Status: new| Milestone: Component: Testing framework |

Re: [Django] #10874: ModelFormMetaclass does not provide easy way of extending

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10874: ModelFormMetaclass does not provide easy way of extending ---+ Reporter: wombat| Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Forms |

Re: [Django] #10871: Add input support to admin actions (with patch)

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10871: Add input support to admin actions (with patch) -+-- Reporter: Adys| Owner: Adys Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10853: Django unit test fails when using the dummy cache backend.

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10853: Django unit test fails when using the dummy cache backend. +--- Reporter: stavros| Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #10843: django.contrib.markup.tests.Templates test_textile fails with python textile 2.1.3 and Django 1.0.2 final

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10843: django.contrib.markup.tests.Templates test_textile fails with python textile 2.1.3 and Django 1.0.2 final +--- Reporter: ntoll | Owner: nobody Status: new|

Re: [Django] #10837: postgresql missing field type codes in data_types_reverse

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10837: postgresql missing field type codes in data_types_reverse ---+ Reporter: trbs | Owner: nobody Status: new

Re: [Django] #11649: Error 'BaseQuery' object has no attribute 'extra' after applying 1.1 release

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11649: Error 'BaseQuery' object has no attribute 'extra' after applying 1.1 release +--- Reporter: ctieche| Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10827: django.auth create_permissions must clear the content type cache before creating permissions

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10827: django.auth create_permissions must clear the content type cache before creating permissions -+-- Reporter: seanl | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10815: improved description for accessing foreign keys in templates

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10815: improved description for accessing foreign keys in templates +--- Reporter: paulbury | Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10813: Database errors in the shell should roll back the transaction

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10813: Database errors in the shell should roll back the transaction ---+ Reporter: Glenn | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10811: Assigning unsaved model to a ForeignKey leads to silent failures

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10811: Assigning unsaved model to a ForeignKey leads to silent failures ---+ Reporter: Glenn | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10810: FormWizard

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10810: FormWizard ---+ Reporter: Qrilka| Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #10803: dbshell should try 'mysql5' as well for executable name

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10803: dbshell should try 'mysql5' as well for executable name ---+ Reporter: | Owner: hakanw Status: new | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10802: urlresolvers RegexURLResolver._get_callback should not catch ImportError and AttributeError

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10802: urlresolvers RegexURLResolver._get_callback should not catch ImportError and AttributeError -+-- Reporter: IonelMaries | Owner: nobody Status: new |

Re: [Django] #10797: Set up Trac so post-commit hook sends emails

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10797: Set up Trac so post-commit hook sends emails --+- Reporter: carljm | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Django Web site |

Re: [Django] #10787: Templates: Request URLs Should Include django.root

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10787: Templates: Request URLs Should Include django.root +--- Reporter: rpwagner | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone: Component: Generic

Re: [Django] #10786: Missing Documentation for new BooleanField limitation

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10786: Missing Documentation for new BooleanField limitation -+-- Reporter: robingreen | Owner: nobody Status: reopened| Milestone: Component: Core framework

Re: [Django] #11647: Support for reversing urls in conjunction with subdomains

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11647: Support for reversing urls in conjunction with subdomains -+-- Reporter: apollo13| Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone: Component: Core

Re: [Django] #10760: Some session data gets lost between multiple concurrent request

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10760: Some session data gets lost between multiple concurrent request --+- Reporter: bogdan2412 | Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10759: UserAdmin views should use attribute or current model to lookup the template paths

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10759: UserAdmin views should use attribute or current model to lookup the template paths ---+ Reporter: jturnbull | Owner: nobody Status: new

Re: [Django] #10758: sys.exc_info() should not be stored on a local variable

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10758: sys.exc_info() should not be stored on a local variable +--- Reporter: | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #6262: Cache templates

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#6262: Cache templates -+-- Reporter: SmileyChris | Owner: mmalone Status: new | Milestone: Component: Template system |

Re: [Django] #10756: Correct PLNIPField

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10756: Correct PLNIPField -+-- Reporter: remik | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #10755: contrib.auth.tests.views.PasswordResetTest fails with custom template

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10755: contrib.auth.tests.views.PasswordResetTest fails with custom template ---+ Reporter: Atamert Ölçgen | Owner: nobody Status: closed|

Re: [Django] #10743: Support lookup separators in ModelAdmin.list_display

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10743: Support lookup separators in ModelAdmin.list_display ---+ Reporter: mrts | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: 1.2

Re: [Django] #10739: MySQL and order_by()

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10739: MySQL and order_by() ---+ Reporter: stephaner | Owner: nobody Status: reopened | Milestone: Component: Database layer

Re: [Django] #10725: Autoreloader hides signal exits from child

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10725: Autoreloader hides signal exits from child -+-- Reporter: Glenn | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Core framework |

Re: [Django] #10720: OrderedManyToMany API Implementation

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10720: OrderedManyToMany API Implementation +--- Reporter: Aryeh Leib Taurog | Owner: nobody Status: new| Milestone:

Re: [Django] #10707: Sphinx & LaTeX: too many nesting section levels for LaTeX

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10707: Sphinx & LaTeX: too many nesting section levels for LaTeX +--- Reporter: kgrandis | Owner: nobody Status: closed | Milestone: Component:

Re: [Django] #10636: Development server fails if settings module does not define ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#10636: Development server fails if settings module does not define ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX --+- Reporter: Lee Phillips | Owner: nobody Status: closed

Re: [Django] #9501: Generic relations to derived models won't allow for deletion of objects those models are attached to.

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#9501: Generic relations to derived models won't allow for deletion of objects those models are attached to. ---+ Reporter: Beetle_B | Owner: nobody Status: reopened | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #9302: postgresql: currval of sequence is not yet defined in this session: fix

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#9302: postgresql: currval of sequence is not yet defined in this session: fix ---+ Reporter: | Owner: nobody Status: closed|

Re: [Django] #4679: maybe not in system path after installation on OS X

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#4679: maybe not in system path after installation on OS X +--- Reporter: | Owner: jacob Status: closed | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #3100: Support for arguments on intermediate tag tokens (ex. {% if arg %}{% elif arg %}{% endif %})

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#3100: Support for arguments on intermediate tag tokens (ex. {% if arg %}{% elif arg %}{% endif %}) ---+ Reporter: Eric Van Dewoestine | Owner: adrian Status: reopened

Re: [Django] #3051: django.test.client.Client() does not set HttpResponse context and template properly

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#3051: django.test.client.Client() does not set HttpResponse context and template properly +--- Reporter: anonymous | Owner: adrian Status: reopened | Milestone:

Re: [Django] #11621: Django copies .pyo files for a new project/app

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#11621: Django copies .pyo files for a new project/app -+-- Reporter: stevemilner | Owner: nobody Status: new | Milestone: Component: Core framework |

Re: [Django] #6262: Cache templates

2009-08-06 Thread Django
#6262: Cache templates -+-- Reporter: SmileyChris | Owner: mmalone Status: new | Milestone: Component: Template system |

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