
I used mariadb and have migrated into postgresql 12 now.
One of source code generates an error on postgresql.

... Q(active_at__lt=now()- ExpressionWrapper(F('configuration__interval') * 
1.5 * 1000000 * 60, output_field=DurationField()))) ...

is compile as : str(queryset.query)

"active_at" IS NULL OR "device"."active_at" < ((2021-01-18 
02:06:57.738175+00:00 - ((("confirugation"."interval" * 1.5) * ....

And in postgres error log :
U0."active_at" < (('2021-01-18T02:24:04.962734+00:00'::timestamptz - 
(((U1."wakeup_interval" * 1.5) * 1000000) * 60)))))))

"Interval" keyword is missed in front of (((U1."wakeup_interval".... .

Python 3.7.9, django 2.2.14, psycopg2 2.8.6.

How can I this ORM make use to 'interval' keyword?


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