Hey all,

I am working on a web app using django where in the first view i.e the 
landing page I collect a piece of info around which the web app revolves. I 
need this piece of info to be saved across different views.

GOAL : Instead of the drop down in the diseaseName I want the disease 
entered in the previous view saved and transmitted to the next views.



class Disease\_Profile(models.Model): """     Disease Profile Model with 
One to One mapping with diseaseName , for the Author to fill. 0    """ id = 
models.UUIDField(primary\_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) 
Disease\_Name = models.OneToOneField(diseaseName,on\_delete=CASCADE) 
Condition    = models.CharField(max\_length=250,) description  = 



class Physician(models.Model): """    Physician Model to capture the best 
physician to be consulted for a particular disease    """ 
rating  = models.IntegerField(choices = Rating\_model.points,help\_text='1 
: Beign the Best Choice AND 10 : Being the least favorable choice.') 




def diseaseProfile(request): form = diseaseProfileForm() context = 
{'form':form} if request.POST: form = diseaseProfileForm(request.POST) if 
form.is_valid(): form.save() Disease_Name = 
form.cleaned_data.get('Disease_Name') print(Disease_Name) return 



def PhysicianCare(request): form = PhysicianCareForm() context = 
{'form':form,} return render(request,'physicianCare.html',context)  


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