To whom it may concern,

My name is David Díaz Clavijo. I am a university student at the University 
of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain. I am doing a final 
project<>which compares agile web frameworks
. I am really interested in knowing your opinion about the project. Your 
contributions will be referenced in the university report and in the 
project website. 

Main priorities in the project are evaluating the ease of learning and 
agility of development. I will make the comparison by choosing a set of 
frameworks and will develop the same website with each of them to test 
their productivity. We have focused on classical and CRUD websites. 
Therefore, we have chosen request-based frameworks, such as Django.

Four frameworks will be compared. The comparison test is composed by *four 
fixed time tasks *for each framework*: * 

   *Learning the programming language: *5 hours
   *Making exercises in the programming language: *15 hours
   *Learning the framework: *25 hours
   *Developing the website: *50 hours
After all process is done, it can be seen which framework presented a 
higher productivity and smaller learning curve.

We have decided a cross-language set frameworks which are: Ruby on Rails, 
Grails, Django and Code Igniter. 

The website which has been designed is: 

   A cutted Tumblr version, a multiblog site:
      Only 1 blog per user and only 1 author per blog. 
      Guests can read blogs and comment on posts.
      User can create blog, its posts and comment on posts.
      Both of them can search for posts. 
The order of development with each framework is: Ruby on Rails, Grails, 
Djando and Code Igniter. It is a hypothesis that it will be more difficult 
to develop with the first frameworks. Therefore, those which are supposed 
to be the easiest to develop with are the first ones. In this manner, in 
case Ruby on Rails is the winner, it cannot be said it was because of it 
was the last one.

I hope you find this project interesting. Would you mind answering the 
following questions? 

   Do you think that the chosen frameworks are the right ones? 
   What is your opinion about the selected website?
   What is your opinion about tasks times?
   What is your opinion about the order of development with each framework?
   Taking into account fixed times: would you use official documentation or 
   a book for learning the languages? Which books in that case?
   In your opinion, which Django features are better than other frameworks 
   in the comparison? 
We would appreciate any recommendation or criticism. 

Thanks for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to hearing 
from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

David Díaz

Notes: based on Russell Magee answer(through email) I want to clarify: 

   - My background: I am a sciencie computer student. No experience. 
   Several courses on C and C++. I have had to program exercises on Java, PHP, 
   have read a bit of PHP Yii framework documentation and played some hours 
   with Django. 
   - The aim is NOT to say "This is the best framework" but being able to 
   answer with some based facts:
      - If you already know how to use a framework, would it be a lot 
      easier to learn another one in the comparison?
      - For a student with my background, which framework is easier to 
      develop with? 

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