System: Mac OS X 10.4.5, Apache 2.2.0, Python 2.4.2, mod_python 3.1.4,
py-sqlite 2.0.5, sqlite3 3.2.8.  With the exception of the OS and
Django, I've installed all the other components through Darwinports.

I'm just getting started with Django, and by following the tutorial I
was able to set up an initial app and add items to a database using the
admin interface.  So far, so good.  However, once I tried to run my app
from within Apache, I get the appended error.  My cursory investigation
leads me to believe that is caused by accessing sqlite3 in Apache 2,
which is a threaded webserver.  Consequently, I see the following

1. Use another database (not so attractive, since I want to get on to
writing my app and prefer the simplicity of sqlite3)
2. Run apache in a non-threaded manner (is this possible?)
3. upgrade sqlite3 to 3.3, which may fix the problem, depending on how
the apache threads are accessing the database

Can anyone tell me if I am on the right track here?  Or even help me
solve this problem?

Nick Matsakis

Mod_python error: "PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/",
line 299, in HandlerDispatch
    result = object(req)
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/handlers/", line
165, in handler
    return ModPythonHandler()(req)
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/handlers/", line
145, in __call__
    response = middleware_method(request, response)
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/middleware/", line 74,
in process_response
    session_key = request.session.session_key or
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/models/", line 110, in
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/utils/", line 3, in
    return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() +
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/meta/", line 1355,
in function_get_object
    obj_list = function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/meta/", line 1395,
in function_get_list
    return list(function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs))
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/meta/", line 1376,
in function_get_iterator
    cursor = db.db.cursor()
  File "/Users/Shared/WebApps/django/core/db/backends/", line
35, in cursor
    self.connection = Database.connect(DATABASE_NAME,
ProgrammingError: library routine called out of sequence

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