I've been working on updating the existing code base that was using Django 
1.6 to Django 1.8. In the process, I've been facing a particular problem 
with aggregates. In this code, *PGDAggregate* class has a method 
*add_to_query* which is intended to instantiate the SQL implementation of 
the aggregate and sets it as a class variable (*aggregate*) which i'd be 
using to call the *as_sql* method in Default SQL 
Aggregate(django/db.models.sql.aggregates.Aggregate) from another file. 

My code (The first file, how I implement aggregate): 

from django.db.models.aggregates import Aggregate from 
django.db.models.sql.aggregates import Aggregate as SQLAggregate class 
PGDAggregate(Aggregate): """ Modified to allow Aggregate functions outside of 
the Django module """ def add_to_query(self, query, alias, col, source, 
is_summary): """Add the aggregate to the nominated query. This method is used 
to convert the generic Aggregate definition into a backend-specific definition. 
* query is the backend-specific query instance to which the aggregate is to be 
added. * col is a column reference describing the subject field of the 
aggregate. It can be an alias, or a tuple describing a table and column name. * 
source is the underlying field or aggregate definition for the column 
reference. If the aggregate is not an ordinal or computed type, this reference 
is used to determine the coerced output type of the aggregate. * is_summary is 
a boolean that is set True if the aggregate is a summary value rather than an 
annotation. """ klass = globals()['%sSQL' % self.name] aggregate = klass(col, 
source=source, is_summary=is_summary, **self.extra) # Validate that the backend 
has a fully supported, correct # implementation of this aggregate 
query.aggregates[alias] = aggregate self.aggregate = aggregate class 
BinSort(PGDAggregate): alias = 'BinSort' name = 'BinSort' class 
BinSortSQL(SQLAggregate): sql_function = '' sql_template = 

This is how I'm trying to use the aggregate attribute(an instance of 
Default SQL Aggregate) from the second file to invoke the *as_sql* method.

sortx = BinSort(xTextString, offset=x, bincount=xbin, max=x1) sorty = 
BinSort(yTextString, offset=y, bincount=ybin, max=y1) 
annotated_query.annotate(x=sortx, y=sorty) cn = connections['default'] qn = 
SQLCompiler(annotated_query.query, cn, 'default').quote_name_unless_alias 
sortx_sql = sortx.aggregate.as_sql(qn, cn)[0] sorty_sql = 
sorty.aggregate.as_sql(qn, cn)[0]

The error that I'm getting(in l:6) in this implementation is, 

exception 'BinSort' object has no attribute 'aggregate'

As steps of debugging, i've tried to check if the BinSort instance has an 
attribute "aggregate", using 

hasattr(sortx, 'aggregate')

which has returned me False. But when I try to check by printing the 
aggregate attribute from inside the add_to_query method, I could very much 
see the attribute getting printed. Also, I've implemented this in the way 
specified in Django 1.8 doc, 

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