Django EmailMultiAlternatives with Embadded Image in HTML

2011-06-20 Thread ars_sim
I am trying to send email with HTML and embadded image. Email sending working fine and its also attaching the image in email but its not showing the image in HTML (inline). I used Content:ID in view and cid in template but no success :(. I explore so many forms and apply solutions but in vain pleas

djangoproject access fields of object dynamically

2010-08-04 Thread ars_sim
Hello, Can anyone help me? I have list of fields called 'allowed_fields' and I have object called 'individual'. allowed_fields is sub set of individual. Now I want to run loop like this for field in allowed_fields: obj.field = individual.field obj have same fields like individual. Do you have

How to pass List to Form Meta Class

2010-06-05 Thread ars_sim
Hello All, I am newbie in django and I will very thankful to you if you help me in this regard. I want to pass list of fields from view to Meta class of FormModel. Please check this example. fields = [name, email, phone] individual_form = IndividualForm(fields) class IndF