Looks great. One thing... looks like http://mezzanine.jupo.org/ is
running with Debug = True (try http://mezzanine.jupo.org/asdf). Maybe
you're aware, just FYI.

On Mar 3, 3:51 pm, Stephen McDonald <st...@jupo.org> wrote:
> Hi Djangonauts,
> I'm happy to announce the release of Mezzanine 1.0. Mezzanine is simple yet
> powerful BSD licensed CMS for building Django powered sites.
> Development of Mezzanine and its sister project Cartridge (ecommerce for
> Mezzanine) began over two years ago, born from frustrations with the only
> options available at the time which were django-page-cms and Satchmo, and
> from a decade's experience in building proprietary CMSes and ecommerce
> solutions, prior to working with Django. Since then it has grown from real
> world requirements at a fast paced web development agency in Australia, and
> has received contributions from many dozens of developers on GitHub and
> Bitbucket, with a wider community of hundreds on the mailing list.
> Mezzanine and Cartridge have been used to power a long list of production
> sites, from personal blogs and agency sites, to some of the highest traffic
> content sites and ecommerce stores for some of the largest brands in
> Australia.
> Here's an overview of Mezzanine's features:
> - Hierarchical navigation tree, with page nodes extendable by Mezzanine's
> content type system. Content types are simply subclases of Mezzanine's Page
> model - subclass away and your new type is available.
> - Inline front-end site editing that can be applied to any models:
> Mezzanine's, third party apps, or your own.
> - Blogging app (regular Django app).
> - Gallery app (a Mezzanine content type).
> - Mobile device handling. Build separate mobile versions of templates where
> required to run a mobile version of the site - no separate URLs or views
> required.
> - Form builder app (a Mezzanine content type). Admin users create their own
> forms, and view form submissions via the admin, or export them via CSV.
> - Mezzanine projects are standard Django projects - admin, urlpatterns,
> views, models. Third party Django apps plug straight in without special
> handling.
> - Built-in search engine.
> - South migrations.
> - Admin editable settings.
> - Full test suite, continuously integrated (with Travis CI) including
> automated pep8/pyflakes integration. The code base is painstakingly clean.
> - Fully documented, available on the Mezzanine project site as well as on
> Read The Docs.
> - Translated into around a dozen languages, managed via Transifex.
> - Grappelli/Filebrowser based admin. Third party Django admin classes plug
> straight in.
> - Full featured ecommerce via Cartridge - a separate ecommerce app built
> for Mezzanine.
> - All functionality comes with default templates to get you started,
> integrated with Bootstrap 2.0.
> - Integrated with Django's sites app.
> - A set of generic foreignkey types and models: tagging, threaded comments
> and ratings. All denormalised with counts, averages, etc.
> To be honest, you could almost implement everything Mezzanine does by
> combining dozens of different open source Django apps that are out there.
> What you get from Mezzanine though, is everything integrated seamlessly out
> of the box, leaving you free to focus on building your site.
> In conjunction with the Mezzanine 1.0 release, I've also released Cartridge
> 0.4. As I mentioned, Cartridge provides a full ecommerce package for
> Mezzanine. While Mezzanine is more of a framework for building sites with
> any type of content you need to, Cartridge is much more opinionated in its
> function, namely how a store should be set up, and is more of a standard
> Django app that implements the most common features you'd find in an online
> store. Like Mezzanine, Cartridge has been under development for a couple of
> years now. Since I haven't posted to django-users about either Mezzanine or
> Cartridge before, here's an overview of Cartridge's features as well:
> - Hierarchical shop categories. These are just Mezzanine content types and
> hook into your site's navigation.
> - Single interface for setting up a product, with 0 to N variations.
> - Arbitrary product options (colours, sizes, etc).
> - Hooks for shipping calculations and payment gateway.
> - Sale pricing.
> - Promotional discount codes.
> - PDF invoice generation (for packing slips).
> - Stock control.
> - Dynamic categories (by price range, colour, etc).
> - Registered or anonymous checkout.
> - Configurable nunber of checkout steps.
> So if you have a CMS or ecommerce Django project coming up, please check
> out Mezzanine and Cartridge. If you have any questions or comments, please
> let us know via the mailing list. Myself and other members of the community
> are quick to reply on there, and always open to suggestions and feedback.
> Mezzanine project homepage:http://mezzanine.jupo.org(includes a gallery
> of sites powered by Mezzanine, as well as a live Mezzanine/Cartridge demo.
> User: demo / pass: demo)
> Mezzanine/Cartridge mailing 
> list:http://groups.google.com/group/mezzanine-users
> Mezzanine docs:http://mezzanine.jupo.org/docs/orhttp://mezzanine.rtfd.org/
> Mezzanine Git repo:https://github.com/stephenmcd/mezzanine
> Mezzanine Mercurial repo:https://bitbucket.org/stephenmcd/mezzanine
> Mezzanine issue tracker:https://github.com/stephenmcd/mezzanine/issues
> Cartridge docs:http://cartridge.jupo.orgorhttp://cartridge.rtfd.org/
> Cartridge Git repo:https://github.com/stephenmcd/cartridge
> Cartridge Mercurial repo:https://bitbucket.org/stephenmcd/cartridge
> Cartridge issue tracker:https://github.com/stephenmcd/cartridge/issues
> Cheers,
> Steve
> --
> Stephen McDonaldhttp://jupo.org

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