Enforcing minimum and maximum values in Django model fields

2013-09-20 Thread Abijith Mg
http://blog.p3infotech.in/2013/enforcing-minimum-and-maximum-values-in-django-model-fields/ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+unsubscr

Ordering groups with aggregated field

2010-08-13 Thread MG
Hello, I'm trying to order a list with aggregations. For a restaurant, I have a visit list and i generate a customer list using customer_list=visit_list.values('customer_no').annotate(Sum('totalbill')).order_by('totalbill_sum') (visit class has visit no, customer no and totalbill models) I want to

formset validation

2008-08-21 Thread mg
I am trying to validate a formset that I have and am having problems with the forms within the set. If i call is_valid on a formset after a POST, it seems that the individual forms aren't validating within the set. For example, if the code below is executed, the resulting log looks like this: DEBU

Re: Distributed databases

2008-04-16 Thread mg
It sounds like you would either have to go with the custom driver idea or use another ORM package like Sqlalchemy(which means you don't get certain features like the contrib apps) On Apr 16, 1:04 pm, "Chris Czub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Would it be possible to replace the Django database dri

Re: Enterprise applications with Django

2008-04-16 Thread mg
Currently the Django ORM cannot handle composite keys. I am currently in the middle of migrating a legacy application to the django framework and have come across this limitation a couple of times. Our way around was to give up completely on the django ORM and switch over to the SqlAlchemy package

Re: Django for xml api based sites

2008-02-22 Thread mg
Bob, I think that django would be a good match for what you want. > 1.need an equivalent option to tomcats servlet filters, to read the > headers and modify the request before it is processed. It sounds like you are looking for the middleware option: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/mi