I have been searching and unable to find out why my script is not
working correctly

If i take the required = False off of the image, the error "This field
is required" get's thrown,  else the 'image' field seems to not exist
in the data as I now get 'No Data in Cleaned Data' error from the
clean_image function.

Changing my image_clean function to pass back
self.cleaned_data['image'] no matter what:
post_data: {u'overview': [u''], u'image': [{'content': '<omitted>',
'content-type': 'image/jpeg', 'filename': 'test.jpg'}], u'blurb':
[u''], u'title': [u'Test 3']}

cleaned_data: {'blurb': u'', 'image': None, 'overview': u'', 'public':
False, 'team': [], 'title': u'Test 3'}

So the image looks to be in my post_data passed to the form, but it
doesn't seem to make it out of the cleaning process.

******* In my view ********
if pk:
     object_instance =
     object_instance = model_class()

if request.POST or request.FILES:
     post_data = request.POST.copy()
     form = ImportedModelForm(data=post_data,
instance=object_instance, parent_object=parent_object)

     if form.is_valid():
          clean_data = form.cleaned_data
      error_list = form._errors

      return render_to_response('template.html', {'profile':
request.user, 'staff': staffUser, parent_object parent_object 'form':
form, 'clean_data': clean_data, 'error_list': error_list })

********* In my forms *********
class ImportedModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
        image = forms.FileField(widget = forms.FileInput, required=False)

        def __init__(self, parent_object=None, *args, **kwargs):
                super(ImportedModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.fields['team'].queryset =

        def clean_image(self):
                if self.cleaned_data.get('image'):
                        image_data = self.cleaned_data['image']
                        return image_data
                        raise forms.ValidationError(_('No Data in Cleaned 

        class Meta:
                model = ImportedModel
                exclude = ('object1', 'object2')
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