Hello all,
I just sync my django with the latest SVN version to try the Unicode
branch. Previously I was running Django 0.96pre.
I have now an issue with reverse url.
Here is for exemple my urls.py
urlpatterns = patterns('',
On 4 juil, 04:45, xgdlm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there someting special to do before "cleaning" the form with
> MultiWidget based fields ?
The answer is ...
... implementing a custom value_from_datadict method for the class
Hello all,
I have a trouble with newforms lib and MultiWidget.
I created a custom MultiWidget based on SplitDateTimeWidget.
The problem is that when I run the form.is_valid()
The value send to the DateField clean method is a list ['1', '1',
Then the strptime command in this function fai
> At the moment, the easiest way I see to to that is to include a JS
> file that will catch the current member_id, then call an external page
> that will return a JSON string of
> "Folder.objects.filter(member=member) " query_set and then build the
> wished multiselected box .. I'll try that way
Thank you Malcolm for your fast answer (as usual)
> However, you
> cannot pass parameters to that function: it's mostly for use with things
> like datetime.datetime.now -- where the result of the function does not
> depend on "self" in any fashion.
Hum, that what I understood, but now I
Hello all !
I have trouble using limit_choices_to on the following modele. I
searched the group and googled but I couldn't find the solution.
Here is my modeles :
class Member(models.Model):
login = models.CharField(maxlen
> However, I'm not sure of the best way to process the form for error
> messages without rebuilding the complete view, which seems to be a lot
> of overhead when you consider all the relevant queries that have to be
> re-done.
Multiple way to process this in my opinion :
1- cache the elements o
> > This week I decided to give a try to a new configuration. I'm now
> > running django on lighttpd / fcgi and I have no swap at all.
> > So I'm aware the mod_python is the prefered way to use django ... buy
> > I'm quite happy with that new server configuration :)
> Can you give some more deta
> I am just not sure about how to call the shell script.
I would call the shell script withing a cronjob command :
python /path/to/sendmail.py
this script would do someting roughly like :
if there_is_a_mailing_to_send :
for mail in mailtosend :
send mail
> read from a databa
Sending email within a view seems to me quite a strange process :)
You should send your emails within a shell python (or whatever)
What I would do ...
I would within my view, write some kind of data to a database or a
text file or whatever.
Then, have a cronjob that check that da
I've notice the same memory consuption on my servers.
I'm running django appz on 3 LVS loadbalanced mod_python apache http
If, for instance, I do a maintnance on one of the server Swap is
increasing a lot on the two remaining servers, even if those two
servers should handle the tr
Hello All,
It seems I'm facing the same problem or an equivalent problem.
I'll try to use newforms , running python 2.4.3
>>> from django.newforms import *
>>> from listing.models import Industry
>>> w = SelectMultiple()
>>> print w.render('xxx',None,((industrie.id,industrie.fr) for industrie in
I found this very interesting post :
Then I tried to apply this modele to mine, but I have trouble !
Here is the class :
class Vi
Hello all,
I would like to have a Multiple Select box, render the chosen fields of
a CommaSeparatedIntegerField.
The CommaSeparatedIntegerField stores the ability of a user to move to
a given area :
Mobility =
> a have a charfield of 255 chars in a model but on the form, it
> consists of a smallish
You can use models.TextField and maxlength to 255 to display it as a
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