I've written a quick django app (mostly using the wonderful admin
interface) to store content for some courses I'm developing.

I have a number of models defined already: Modules, Objectives,
Questions, Labs, etc.

Basically a content module consists of multiple objectives (define X,
list Y, Use Z to do A, etc.), so I had the following:

class Objective(models.Model):

I didn't care *that* much about the order yet.

And then I had a question class that I could associate with a single
module and possibly multiple objectives.

class Question(models.Model):
    module = models.ForeignKey(Module)
    objectives = models.ManyToManyField(Objective)

Now a I was to create a Course class, but with the Course, the order
of the modules *definitely* matters and in different Course the module
might be in a different order.

I would guess somebody has already run into something like this
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