I'm developing some ajax application now, and I need use simplejson to
serialize my data, but I found if the string in my data structure is
not unicode encoded, simplejson just simple unicode it, but not use
the default-encode to convert the string to unicode, so I write a
simple function to convert the string in data structure to unicode,
according the default-encode option in settings. Maybe it'll be some
helpful to you.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import simplejson
from django.conf import settings

def json(data):
    encode = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(uni_str(data, encode)))

def uni_str(a, encoding):
    if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
        s = []
        for i, k in enumerate(a):
            s.append(uni_str(k, encoding))
        return s
    elif isinstance(a, dict):
        s = {}
        for i, k in enumerate(a.items()):
            key, value = k
            s[uni_str(key, encoding)] = uni_str(value, encoding)
        return s
    elif isinstance(a, str) or (hasattr(a, '__str__') and
callable(getattr(a, '__str__'))):
        if getattr(a, '__str__'):
            a = str(a)
        return unicode(a, encoding)
    elif isinstance(a, unicode):
        return a
        return a

And this function can also deal with Translation object. Because for
these objects, simple isinstance(a, str) will failed, so I also need
to test them with:

(hasattr(a, '__str__') and callable(getattr(a, '__str__'))

So in the view code, you could do like this(assume above function is
saved in ajax.py)

import ajax

def load(request):
    a = {'response':'ok', 'message':_('Thank you')}
    return ajax.json(a)

That's is.

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