Facundo Casco wrote:
> Hi, I'm tring to make custom filters but I can't make Django find my module
> I get this error:
> Could not load template library from django.templatetags.amx2_filters, 
> No module named amx2_filters
> The directory structure is:
> ~/base/amx/templatetags/__init__py
> ~/base/amx/templatetags/amx2_filters.py
> I tried commenting out every line on amx2_filtres.py but still doesn't work.
> I changed django/templatetags/__init__.py to raise SystemError instead 
> of pass on line 7 and now I see that INSTALLED_APPS = None on the debug 
> screen. Is that ok?
> Anyone can help me to solve this?
> Thanks a lot
> Facundo

After some looking around I've solved my problem.
I dind't have my app added to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py, I added and 
now it's working fine.
Maybe this could help someone with a similar problem.


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