I'm using django-registration and django-profiles, and I've
created an app-specific profile and subclassed RegistrationForm
to populate various profile fields during the registration process.

The User class has attributes 'first_name' and 'last_name' that
I'd like to access from my customized profile (DRY! :) -- and
I'd also like to populate them during registration.

In my profile class, I defined 'first_name' and 'last_name'
as properties that point to profile.user.first_name
and profile.user.last_name using getters and setters (of course),
and in my custom RegistrationForm I defined a 'save()' function
that attempts to populate them, but the two things I have tried
have not worked (which is rather baffling to me!):

(1) set them directly on the new_user obtained from

(2) after the new_user is set as my new_profile's 'user' attr,
     set them on new_profile (which should propagate their values
     to new_user via the property's setters ...)

Any suggestions on a way to do this?

(I could always ignore those attrs of User and just give my
profile its own first_name and last_name -- somewhat ugly, but
I'll do it if there's no other way.)


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