I am trying to have a ChoiceField in a form, but it gives me this error:

    from TachlisGeredt.register_form import register

  File "/Users/kovyjacob/TachlisGeredt/TachlisGeredt/register_form.py",
line 10, in <module>

    class RegisterForm (forms.Form):

  File "/Users/kovyjacob/TachlisGeredt/TachlisGeredt/register_form.py",
line 15, in RegisterForm

    carrier = ChoiceField(choices = CARRIER_CHOICES)

NameError: name 'ChoiceField' is not defined

Here is the .py:

rom django import newforms as forms

from django.shortcuts import render

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

from django.core.mail import send_mail

carrier_choices = (

('@txt.freedommobile.ca', 'Freedom Mobile')

('@txt.luckymobile.ca', 'Lucky Mobile'),


class RegisterForm (forms.Form):

username = forms.CharField()

password = forms.CharField()

check_password = forms.CharField()

phone = froms.IntegerField(required = False)

carrier = ChoiceField(choices=carrier_choices, required = False)

I am new to django, what is the problem?


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