For one of my functional tests, I decided to use unittest.TestCase instead 
of a Django test class because it was convenient when cleaning up the test 
to have direct access to my local development database in the test itself.

Running the test in isolation like so passes as I'd expect:

$ python test functional_tests.test_functionality
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 3 tests in 0.040s


When I try to run all tests at the same time, however, that test 
specifically errors out, complaining that an object DoesNotExist, as though 
it were using the Django test database:

$ python test functional_tests
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
ERROR: some_functional_test 
Traceback (most recent call last):

... etc.

app.models.Object.DoesNotExist: Object matching query does not exist.

Ran 21 tests in 0.226s

FAILED (errors=1)
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

I assume the error is with my trying use Object.objects.latest('created') 
when no Objects exist in Django's test database.

Is there some way to prevent Django from wrapping all tests in whatever it 
is about the test runner that prevents my test from accessing an Object 

I'm currently working around the issue by quarantining unittest.TestCase 
tests in their own directory so that I can run them as a suite, but it'll 
still error out if I ever want to run everything with test.

If some additional context is helpful, I'm running functional tests against 
an API endpoint running on my local server. I'm testing a create method, 
and I'm trying to avoid having to request DELETE against the endpoint (I 
haven't even implemented DELETE yet) to clean up the test record created by 
the test.

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