Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2017-08-25 Thread Rukaya Johaadien
I did the following: from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry, WKTWriter wkt_w = WKTWriter() wkt_w.outdim = 2 # This sets the writer to output 2D WKT polygon = GEOSGeometry(json.dumps(item['geometry'])) # The 3D geometry temp = wkt_w.write(polygon) polygon = GEOSGeometry(temp) # The 3D ge

Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-12-19 Thread a . grandi
Hi, not sure if I did the right thing or not, but I just altered the table in this way (yes, the code is opensource!) because I've also noticed that GeoDjango doesn't have an equivalent of

Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-12-19 Thread George Silva
There is a way to coerce the input to 2d. It's not pretty, but it works. from import wkt_w wkt = wkt_w(dim=2).write(input_geom).decode() geom = GEOSGeometry(wkt, srid=4674) Imagine that you get input_geom from somewhere. In our case it was coming from a KML u

Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-12-19 Thread a . grandi
Jason: when you say create 2 geometry types one with 2 dimensions etc... how do you specify how many dimensions to have? Because I created the field in this way: geom = models.MultiPolygonField(geography=True, spatial_index=True) and let the Django migration do the job, but I don't know how to

Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-03-08 Thread Jason
I had a similar issue when uploading a kml to geojson conversion to postgis using geodjango. There is no efficient way to do it in Django, so I ended up doing a workaround - Create two geometry types, one with dims=2 and other with dims=3. Allow both to be null and set default to null

Re: GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-03-07 Thread Alex Mandel
1. There a GeoDjango sublist, better place to ask. 2. Strip out the Z when doing the database import, you don't say which db backend your're using. 2a. If you can't do it on import than do it with an update query.

GeoDjango: strip z dimension; force 2D

2016-03-07 Thread Jônatas Castro
In my project I need to import *shapefiles* and same some geometry. Some of these are *MULTIPOLYGON Z* type, but all Z coordinates are 0-value. When I try to save the geometry, I get the error: *"Geometry has Z dimension but column does not".* *What is the best way to strip the Z dimension?*