Re: GeoDjango GDAL Slice Error in

2018-01-13 Thread Jason
Are you able to access any features in the layer? eg, the snippet above the one that gives you the error >>> for feat in lyr: ...print(feat.get('NAME'), feat.geom.num_points) On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 5:37:10 PM UTC-5, Justin Johnson wrote: > > > > I'm completely new to GeoDjang

GeoDjango GDAL Slice Error in

2018-01-12 Thread Justin Johnson
I'm completely new to GeoDjango. I'm working through the tutorial for Django version 2.0, and I am encountering an error when I follow the steps in the GeoDjango section. Specifically, when I attempt to slice a Layer object to extract Features, it gives me an error which looks like a poss