I have a form which is editing a database entry and saving the changes back 
to the database. after the changes are saved, I want to redirect to a 
contract.html, where I want to populate the details of that entry. below is 
the view: *def edit_res(request, pk=None):

if request.method == 'POST':
    resident_form = EditItemForm(request.POST)
    if resident_form.is_valid():
        key = int(request.POST['id'])
        resident = Resident.objects.get(pk=key)
        resident_form = EditItemForm(request.POST, instance=resident)
    #form = EditItemForm(request.POST, instance=key)
    #resident = get_object_or_404(Resident, pk=key)
    #form = EditItemForm(request.POST, instance=key)
    #if form.is_valid():
        #return HttpResponse('Saved form')
        return redirect('Contract')
    item = Resident.objects.get(pk=pk)
    form = EditItemForm(instance=item)
args = {}
args['form'] = form
args['id'] = pk
return render_to_response('reg_form/edit.html', args)*

currently after the edited entry is saved, I redirected it to the 
Contract.html page. I am trying to write a function, which can be called 
above to return the data from the database: *def res(request,in_res_id): 
data=Resident.objects.get(res_id=in_res_id) return 

My contract.html is like, where I want to populate the column value for 
res_fname : *This skilled nursing facility Admission Agreement is entered 
into between Located at and _{{data.res_fname}} (hereinafter “Resident”) *

Please advise. Thank you !

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