I submitted this question in much, much more detail a couple of weeks ago 
but got no response. I'm thinking that maybe I gave you too much 
information. So, I thought I'd try just one more time.

I have a table of family members. Some of them are students. These students 
are enrolled in one or more courses. I can't seem to create the necessary 
view to allow a parent to enroll his child or children into one or more 
courses. Ideally, I'd like to present him with a list of courses for each 
period and allow him to select only one course for each child for each 

The tables look something like this. The Schedule table is a table that 
contains Foreign Keys to other tables (about 10 of them).  It contains NO 
other fields besides these foreign keys. 

class FamilyMember(AbstractUser):


family = models.ForeignKey(Family, blank=True, null=True)
family_member_role = models.ForeignKey(FamilyMemberRole, blank=True, 
null=True)    #For our example, let's assume this is either a parent or a 



class Student(models.Model):


family_member = models.OneToOneField(FamilyMember)


class Schedule(models.Model):


semester = models.ForeignKey(Semester, verbose_name='Semester')
student = models.ManyToManyField(Student, verbose_name='Students', 
 blank=True, null=True)



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